Become a 1si Member
Not sure what level works best for you?
Check out your options below.
When you are ready to join, click the online application or download a PDF version.
Premier Level
Soar above the competition!
$2,770 per year
You’ve got your direction and your partnership with One Southern Indiana, but now you need more. Premier membership tier includes all the benefits of the other levels, and more – more meetings, more introductions, more public relations work – more of the things you need to help you succeed!
Includes everything in CLASSIC, ELITE, and REGIONAL ADVANTAGE plus the following:
- Recognized as a Premier level member
- Eight total business listings (in local Metropolitan Statistical Area) ($3,920 value)
- Up to five introductions with key, specified targets
- One meeting with a member of the executive team
- Option to add additional business locations at $100 each annually
Metro Manufacturing Alliance (MMA)
Exclusively for manufacturers by manufacturers
$1,800 per year
The Metro Manufacturing Alliance (MMA) is a unique forum where manufacturing owners and managers meet with their peers, discuss common issues and successes, and listen to timely presentations on topics that apply exclusively to manufacturers.
Includes everything in CLASSIC, ELITE, and REGIONAL ADVANTAGE plus the following:
- Opportunity to attend monthly peer group meetings with other MMA members
- The MMA, its meetings, and events are restricted from outside sales and promotions
- Tailored workshops and certification seminars for MMA members only
- Pre-qualified leads from the state (and other sources) for manufacturing services and opportunities
- Subscription to the monthly MMA E-Newsletter
- Private social media page where you can collaborate with other MMA members
Regional Advantage Level
When you are ready to go to the top!
$1,600 per year
Includes everything in CLASSIC and ELITE plus the following:
- Recognized as a Regional Advantage level member
- Additional business listing for a total of four ($1,960 value)
- Four free membership databases per year upon request ($1,200 value) and access to Proxi Interactive Map
- Up to three introductions with specified targets
- One press release published annually in The One Weekly E-newsletter
- Free placement of company logo in web directory
Elite Level
More than just a step to the next level.
$800 per year
Includes everything in CLASSIC plus the following:
- Recognized as an Elite level member
- Additional business listing in online directory for a total of two ($980 value)
- One free member database per year upon request ($300 value) and access to Proxi Interactive Map
- 25-percent discount on Member2Member E-blast or One Weekly digital advertising
- 25-percent discount on MMA Newsletter digital advertising
Classic Level
The membership where even basics are comprehensive!
$490 per year
- Online business listing includes basic contact info, business description, one category, and links to your website and social media sites to increase SEO
- Subscriptions to the One Weekly E-newsletters and informational e-mails
- Ribbon-cutting services for grand openings, expansions and major achievement celebrations (value of $300)
- “Proud Member” window cling to display at your business
- Access to more than 110 events and programs
- Member pricing at signature events and programs
- Post events on the community calendar
- Post job openings on 1si’s job bank ($100 value)
- Ability to post discounts to member or the public through Buy1si and Proxi Interactive Map
- Event and program sponsorship opportunities
- Partner discount programs with ODP Business Solutions Savings Program, Heartland Payment Systems, Insurance Under ONE and ClearPath Mutual Workers’ Comp Insurance
- Opportunity to join a leads or networking group
- Exclusive advertising opportunities
- Volunteer and committee opportunities
- Inclusion in any printed listing of members
- Business education and assistance through the Small Business Navigator
- Low-interest business financing opportunities through The One Fund
- A collective voice for advocacy
- Resources and support for minority-owned businesses
Classic Nonprofit
Classic benefits for qualifying nonprofit organizations.
$350 per year
Retired Executive Level
Classic benefits for retired individuals that wish to remain involved with 1si.
$189 per year
Classic benefits for real estate agents, insurance agents, attorneys, etc. whose principal company is a current member.
$189 per year